Your partner for online marketing

Our world is becoming more and more digital, which certainly also leaves its mark on your company. When it comes to online communication solutions and a forward-looking marketing strategy, many companies in Bremen and the surrounding area lack the right approaches and many years of experience. To get started with online topics such as content marketing, search engine optimization or email marketing, it is therefore obvious to work with an experienced industry professional.

As an online marketing agency, we at BRUNS_digital are your full-service partner when it comes to individual online marketing. We develop the right online strategy for you and implement it professionally. Always oriented to your budget and suitable for your target group in Bremen, Northern Germany and nationwide. We carry out our marketing measures strategically and in consultation with you, so that you can soon celebrate lasting success in the digital world.

Convince with BRUNS_digital the real visitors of your website as well as Google and other search engines. We look forward to meeting you and are happy to help you!

Our experience.Your advantage.

via350+satisfied customers

via20years of professional online marketing

activeand certifiedTYPO3 experts


Agency services

  • Concept development
  • Responsive web design
  • Website relaunch or creation of a new web presence
  • Programming and web hosting
  • App and mobile applications
  • Interactive microsites
  • E-commerce
  • Corporate graphic design
  • Usability and conversion optimization
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Search Engine Marketing (SEA)
  • Content marketing
  • Consulting and training
  • Social media marketing

Industry competencies

  • Mechanical and plant engineering
  • Industry
  • Healthcare
  • Service provider
  • Trade
  • Public sector
  • Non-profit

How to implement your digital projects faster and stay on budget, guaranteed:

"Lean & Agile - No more waste!"

Tell us what goals you want to achieve - we'll tell you how to get there without detours. We are purely focused on your goals, we leave out everything superfluous - in the implementation and in organizational processes. This is what we mean by a lean way of working. No more waste - no unnecessary "garbage" that wastes your money.


The advantages of a professional online marketing agency

Top positions on Google and a steady acquisition of new customers via the Internet are not products of chance. Similar to familiar methods of marketing, the right online strategy can increase the chances of winning new customers and satisfying existing customers. Unfortunately, many companies in Bremen and nationwide lack experience. Moreover, online marketing is becoming more and more complex as the years go by, best rankings in major search engines worldwide are highly competitive.

With an online marketing agency you decide for professionals who are the experts exactly in this challenging field. From brainstorming to implementing suitable online strategies to digital marketing automation, an online agency knows all the tricks of the trade for achieving success on the Internet. Stand out more effectively against competitors and present yourself as a strong brand and trustworthy partner on the Internet.

An online marketing agency assures your company in Bremen numerous advantages from day one. Get off to a successful start with the right online marketing strategy and benefit from the following advantages:


Extensive know-how

Professionals in online marketing have a variety of tools and applications that facilitate marketing processes on the web. Save yourself a lot of effort when it comes to the elaboration and automation of your digital marketing and gain additional capacities for other tasks in your Bremen company.

Efficient marketing

The reduced effort is also associated with savings in your marketing budget. Without experience in online marketing, failures and wastage are inevitable. With a professional at your side, you avoid these from the start and opt for digital marketing that really works.

Digital visibility

Marketing on the Internet has become increasingly difficult and complex over the last 20 years. Especially when it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), the top positions are increasingly contested. With an online marketing agency, you trust a partner who combines know-how and practical experience.

Reliable marketing partner

With an experienced agency at your side, you can rely on the right partner to train your in-house marketing department. With an external marketing agency, your marketing department will not have to compete with others, but will be able to train itself and shape the future of your company's marketing.

Trust in experience and know-how with BRUNS_digital

To find out about even more advantages in a personal conversation, just get in touch with us!

We would be happy to show you how you too can benefit from the strengths of an experienced online marketing agency.


The most important marketing disciplines at a glance

Successful online marketing is more than the sum of its parts. With individual online measures, be it strong content on your homepage or creative social media marketing, you will therefore have little success.

The interplay of different disciplines that fit your company and your individual needs paves the way to success online.

The following is an overview of the most important online disciplines, from which BRUNS_digital compiles the ideal marketing mix to suit your company in Bremen:

You know it from your own experience: When searching for specific products or services, you use your PC or smartphone to call up Google. Appearing in the top positions for relevant search queries is perhaps the most important step towards digital success. To achieve best rankings on Google & Co. we help you with search engine marketing.

One aspect of search engine marketing is search engine optimization, or SEO for short. We check your existing website and analyze its strengths and weaknesses from the perspective of Google, Bing and other search engines. Afterwards, we compensate for any weaknesses discovered, for example by creating SEO-compliant texts or the technical adjustment of various OnPage factors.

In addition to SEO, search engine advertising (SEA) measures are recommended. At the heart of this is the placement of advertisements via Google Ads or social media networks such as Facebook as part of social media marketing. The ads are displayed with priority over the regular results of a search query and are especially interesting for new websites and brand-new offers.

Long-term success of your online marketing can only be achieved if customers and interested parties visit your websites regularly. You increase the likelihood of this by positioning yourself as an expert and strong contact on the Internet. Interesting, multi-value content is the key to this and is covered by the discipline of content marketing.

Content on the Internet is diverse and ranges from texts to images and videos to competent and eloquent web support. Our online marketing agency performs a content audit for you to assess the current quality of your content. Based on this, we develop editorial plans to bring strong content online for you.

Whether it's a homepage, blog, or social media, we create the content for you and take care of posting it. For existing, good content, we refine it, which of course also includes aspects of search engine optimization (SEO).

Especially for customers and partners in the B2B environment, email marketing is an important discipline. Sending e-mails offers you the opportunity to approach your contacts in an informative or promotional way and thus to be constantly remembered. Here, it is important to design the content intelligently so that your e-mails do not come across as spam.

Email marketing thus becomes a special discipline in content marketing, but can be individually adapted to the preferences of each recipient. With professional tools, an online agency can easily create individual e-mails for you with content that exactly matches the customer or business partner. Show direct customer proximity and increase the chances of direct contact.

User experience (UX) is an underestimated factor in online marketing. Even the strongest content and most convincing arguments won't help you much if the visitor to your website is put off by a cluttered web design or complicated buying process. The user interface (UI) should be easy and intuitive to use and make the customer journey as simple as possible.

Our online marketing agency can help you in this discipline as well. With our strengths in web development and web programming, we bring pages online that meet the contemporary, mobile standards of internet usage. We are happy to integrate extras such as web support and other interfaces that set your website apart from direct competitors and make you want to browse through your online offering.

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Our main services - step by step
to success

The online disciplines described above and other methods and measures are the basis for implementing a successful marketing strategy on the Internet. Here, the application of these online methods is different for each company. Some of our customers need a new web design with up-to-date web programming. Others want to convince their customers with exciting content or good visibility in social media.

Our online marketing agency has developed a three-step approach that we use with each of our clients in Bremen and nationwide. You too can experience how our approach can make your online communication a success:

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Idea & Concept

The beginning of every project is the joint brainstorming with our customers. Whether e-commerce, blog or classic company homepage, we get an overview of the status quo together with you. This can take place, for example, within the framework of a workshop.

Oriented to your wishes and ideas, we develop a clear concept that will strategically move your company forward in Bremen. We present the concept to you and discuss all the finer points with you so that you are fully convinced of our approach to online marketing.

Development & Implementation

Based on our individual online concept, the next step is the technical and content development of your online marketing. This can include, for example, a new interface design, up-to-date web programming of your homepage or the integration of social media into your web presence.

On the content level, we take care of editorial plans and create the first content that you can include on your websites or e-commerce. Once all online communication solutions have been developed, it's time for strategic and long-term implementation.

Optimization & Performance

BRUNS_digital accompanies your company in Bremen and Northern Germany far beyond the simple implementation. We gladly take a continuous look at the performance for you and take care of the optimization of functioning and successful approaches.

In the same way, we strive for a permanent optimization of strategic online measures. The Internet is constantly evolving, and your competitors are also implementing long-term marketing measures. Within the scope of optimization we react to this and make your online marketing strategy continuously better and more efficient.

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Advance your online marketing in Bremen and present yourself as a strong contact in the digital world.

Our team will help you and find the right concept for long-term digital success for every industry and every budget.

Convince yourself!

Just contact us and talk to us without obligation.




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What you can expect from us

  • A professional and sympathetic team of experts
  • Individual solutions and proven standards that your target group will love
  • Highest development quality through QM workflows already in the development process
  • Efficient and transparent workflows through agile project management
  • Websites that achieve your goals - promised!
  • Consultation at eye level, taking into account your goals and budget
  • Long-term & value-based cooperation


Bruns Verlags-GmbH & Co. KG

phone +49-800-9119191

Practical knowledge for the realization of your digital B2B projects:

Your own online shop

Learn which e-commerce trends are not to be neglected and which features a professional online shop should have.

Marketing Automation

Get insight into how marketing automation can help you use your sales resources more efficiently and generate new leads.

Content Marketing

Receive exclusive recommendations for the conception to the ideal implementation of a target-oriented content marketing strategy.

B2B Website Relaunch

Find out about the structured and modern realization of a B2B website relaunch.