

p2 media GmbH & Co KG Simeonscarre 2 32423 Minden

Fon +49-571-9119191


p2 media GmbH & Co. KG Colonnaden 5 20354 Hamburg

Phone +49-40-33313218


p2 media GmbH & Co. KG Königsstraße 32-33
48143 Münster

Phone +49-40-33313218


p2 media GmbH & Co KG Vahrenwalder Straße 269a 30179 Hanover

Fon +49-511-9666779


p2 media GmbH & Co KG Königsallee 14 40212 Dusseldorf

Fon +49-211-13866300

Opening hours

Mon - Thu 08:00-17:30 Fri 08:00-15:30 Sat - Sun closed

Mandatory information

p2 media GmbH & Co KG Simeonscarre 2 32423 Minden

Registered office of the company: Minden Local court: Bad Oeynhausen, HRA 8633 Managing directors: Oliver Parrizas

VAT ID: DE 815508057 Tax number: Minden tax office, 335/5751/5348

Responsible for content according to § 10 paragraph 3 MDStV: Oliver Parrizas

General partner: p2 media Verwaltungs GmbH Local court: Bad Oeynhausen, HRB 9943 Registered office of the company: Minden

Liability notice

We have carefully compiled and checked all contents on our website. Despite all care, no liability or guarantee for the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the data can be accepted. This also applies to all other websites referred to by hyperlinks. We are not responsible for the content of websites reached via such links. We reserve the right to make updates, changes or additions to the information and data provided.


The structure and content of the website are protected by copyright by p2 media. The reproduction of information or data, in particular the use of texts, parts of texts or images as well as the use of lines of code from the website requires prior consent.

Photo credits

Images used under license fromShutterstock.com. Image material used under license fromhttps://www.istockphoto.com/. Images or footage used under license fromhttps://stock.adobe.com/.

Editorial images fromhttps://stock.adobe.com/ used: prima91-stock.adobe.comDenys Prykhodov- stock.adobe.com WDnet Studio- stock.adobe.com'Thaspol-stock.adobe.com PixieMe-stock.adobe.com Bildarchiv p2 media GmbH & Co. KG

W3C compliance

This website has been created in accordance with the current recommendations of the Word Wide Web Consortium (W3C), which issues standards and web guidelines for the further development of internet technologies that promote the progress of the internet and ensure its interoperability (http://www.w3.org). A W3C-valid source code is the basic requirement for good search engine optimization and accessible websites. With the so-called "Validator" you can check whether web pages have been created in compliance with the guidelines.