Your partner for online marketing

The topic of marketing has taken on a completely new facet due to digitalization. Many companies in Cologne are overwhelmed by these developments and do not know how to integrate their experience in advertising and marketing into the Internet. Our team of BRUNS_digital accompanies you as an online marketing agency and develops together with you communication solutions that fit perfectly into today's world.

We are your experts in the areas of search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing or the effective use of social media. As an online marketing agency, we accompany companies in Cologne, the Rhineland and throughout Germany to differentiate themselves online from their direct competitors. Convince human visitors to your website as well as Google and other search engines for top rankings in search queries.

BRUNS_digital combines many years of experience with professional know-how - this is what modern online marketing is all about. We offer you contemporary digital marketing at fair prices, always oriented towards your needs and the digital competition in your industry.

Our experience.Your advantage.

via350+satisfied customers

via20years of professional online marketing

activeand certifiedTYPO3 experts


Agency services

  • Concept development
  • Responsive web design
  • Website relaunch or creation of a new web presence
  • Programming and web hosting
  • App and mobile applications
  • Interactive microsites
  • E-commerce
  • Corporate graphic design
  • Usability and conversion optimization
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Search Engine Marketing (SEA)
  • Content marketing
  • Consulting and training
  • Social media marketing

Industry competencies

  • Mechanical and plant engineering
  • Industry
  • Healthcare
  • Service provider
  • Trade
  • Public sector
  • Non-profit

How to implement your digital projects faster and stay on budget, guaranteed:

"Lean & Agile - No more waste!"

Tell us what goals you want to achieve - we'll tell you how to get there without detours. We are purely focused on your goals, we leave out everything superfluous - in the implementation and in organizational processes. This is what we mean by a lean way of working. No more waste - no unnecessary "garbage" that wastes your money.


This is how our online marketing agency works for you

We are a full-service for companies in Cologne and throughout Germany. We accompany you from the entry into digital marketing to the continuation of large campaigns on the Internet. Here, we take over all steps from the initial idea to strategic implementation to subsequent optimization and targeted marketing automation. This all takes place in a friendly, relaxed and creative environment. Most companies are aware that advertising and new customer acquisition are increasingly taking place in the online world. Even if your Dortmund business is regional, your (potential) customers are most likely to want to find you via a Google search or Google Adwords. Without the use of online communication solutions you leave the field to your direct competitors.

As an experienced online marketing agency, we passionately support you in the fight for the best ranking. And that's not all - you benefit from the following factors thanks to professional online marketing by BRUNS_digital:


Professional online strategy

With our help, you don't pay expensive apprenticeship money in online marketing. Without experience in the digital world, many companies spend money unnecessarily to achieve little success with high wastage. We save you from this and ensure with our experience in SEO, email marketing and more for individual strategies that spare your budget.

Efficient marketing

In addition to money, we also help you save time. Especially in the initial phase of digital campaigns, it can take months before the first successes are visible. During this time, your competitors may have already secured the most important new customers. We ensure that your marketing strategy leads to success as quickly as possible.

Comprehensive know-how

Most companies in Cologne and other cities do not have an overview of what search engines look for when evaluating websites. We have professional tools and years of experience that answer these and other questions in digital marketing. Take advantage of the expertise of us as industry experts.

Digital visibility

An occasional post on social media and a website created years ago are not enough to run a good online marketing. As an online marketing agency, we go deeper and assure you a detailed and smart strategy that includes all important communication solutions of your target group. In this way, you can use potentials that have been completely untapped until now.

Therefore trust in BRUNS_digital

Modern online marketing encompasses a variety of disciplines. Depending on the industry and target group, it pays to show greater commitment in one or more disciplines and to use your budget in a targeted manner. An online marketing agency like BRUNS_digital accompanies your company in Cologne and the Rhineland in this and makes an assessment that really helps you.


Online Marketing Cologne - the most important disciplines

The following is an overview of the most important disciplines with the help of which our online marketing agency can optimally revitalize your digital marketing.

Would you like to learn more about individual services? Contact us and let our experts put together the ideal marketing mix for you!

You know it from your own experience: Whenever you search for products or services on the Internet, a web search takes place on Google. It is therefore also important for your company in Cologne to achieve top positions in the world's most important search engine as well as alternatives such as Bing or Yahoo. This is made possible by targeted search engine marketing (SEM).

SEM is divided into the areas of search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine advertising (SEA). With search engine optimization, you directly influence rankings through the design of your website, high-quality content and a smart link structure. Our online marketing agency will gladly perform an SEO status analysis, take care of SEO-compliant copywriting and much more.

In SEA, we rely on commercial ads placed via Google Ads or the ad system of social media. Especially for new websites or current offers, this immediately generates attention and helps to immediately attract new customers for your company or e-commerce.

Whether on your website, in a company blog or in social media - for strong online marketing, it all comes down to the right content. It's not just Google that is increasingly paying attention to the quality of information you and your company put online. Your customers will also feel a closer connection to your company or brand if you are considered an expert.

With a content audit, we will be happy to evaluate your existing content. and ensure that you put the right content online in the future by creating editorial plans and a clear content marketing strategy. We are also happy to take care of the content maintenance. With our experience as an online marketing agency, we create the bridge between actual readers and Google & Co. criteria for SEO.

Of all the established, digital communication solutions, email is underestimated by many companies. Smart email marketing gives you the opportunity to regularly inform about your company or new products. In the context of marketing automation, it is possible to ideally tailor automated precisely to the respective customer and the phase of the customer journey.

As an online marketing agency, we know all the intricacies of designing the content of emails for your marketing purposes. This prevents your e-mail from being perceived as advertising mail or spam alone. We can help you with everything from content design to software solutions specifically designed to automate email sending.

Topics such as web programming and web design are just as much a part of online marketing as high-quality content and the use of the right media. Your website, for example, should be suitable for all devices, from desktop PCs to smartphones, as the flagship of your company on the Internet. Menu navigation and a clear user interface (UI) design play just as much a role in ensuring an optimal user experience (UX).

BRUNS_digital accompanies you from the planning of new websites and stores to the implementation in web programming and web design. In doing so, we bring your corporate identity online and ensure that your web presence is future-proof. This technical adaptation is even part of SEO, as Google & Co. increasingly pay attention to clean programming and mobile suitability of the website.

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Our main services for your Cologne company

Contemporary online marketing requires a clever strategy that meets your wishes and your target group step by step.

Our Agency implements this with a proven concept in three steps, with which we would also like to help your company in Cologne and the Rhineland.

Here is an overview of our approach, which has ensured satisfied customers and very good search engine positions for many years:

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Idea & Strategy

Every marketing campaign needs a basic idea and a clear objective. We work these out together with you. As part of an initial analysis, we find out where you currently stand in the digital world and which strategy will best reach your target group. In addition to our in-depth consulting, we are happy to conduct workshops with you and your marketing team to advance the joint brainstorming.

Based on the analysis and joint work, we develop a marketing strategy and show you suitable communication solutions. We combine individual services from SEO, social media marketing or email marketing into a strong overall package that exactly matches your specifications and the character of your Cologne-based company. The goal here: concrete and practicable measures that are easy to implement.

Development & Implementation

Once we have agreed on a concept, the next step is to develop a concrete online marketing strategy. This includes a technical level, for example a contemporary web development for your e-commerce or your company homepage. On the content level, we help you with content creation, the development of editorial plans and the familiarization with social media.

With a coherent interface design from desktop PC to smartphone and a clear line for your corporate design, we strategically implement our ideas. In many cases, this involves a strategy over weeks and months to give your online marketing real momentum. During this time, we are at your side in person and via web support as partners.

Optimization & Performance

In the course of implementing your online marketing strategy, it quickly becomes apparent which measures are best received by your target group. This gives us a clear overview of where there is still potential for improvement in SEO, SEA, content marketing and more. As an experienced partner in online marketing, we carry these out for you in order to optimize your ongoing campaign step by step.

As an expert in performance marketing, we ensure that you can continuously improve your online marketing measures and constantly specify them on the basis of the lessons learned.

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Advance your online marketing in Cologne and present yourself as a strong contact in the digital world.

Our team will help you and find the right concept for long-term digital success for every industry and every budget.

Convince yourself!

Just contact us and talk to us without obligation.




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What you can expect from us

  • A professional and sympathetic team of experts
  • Individual solutions and proven standards that your target group will love
  • Highest development quality through QM workflows already in the development process
  • Efficient and transparent workflows through agile project management
  • Websites that achieve your goals - promised!
  • Consultation at eye level, taking into account your goals and budget
  • Long-term & value-based cooperation


Bruns Verlags-GmbH & Co. KG

phone +49-800-9119191

Practical knowledge for the realization of your digital B2B projects:

Your own online shop

Learn which e-commerce trends are not to be neglected and which features a professional online shop should have.

Marketing Automation

Get insight into how marketing automation can help you use your sales resources more efficiently and generate new leads.

Content Marketing

Receive exclusive recommendations for the conception to the ideal implementation of a target-oriented content marketing strategy.

B2B Website Relaunch

Find out about the structured and modern realization of a B2B website relaunch.