You are planning a new and exciting website launch? Let us accompany you as a professional Internet agency on this path and benefit from our many years of experience!

  • New creation, relaunch or redesign
  • Upgrades and updates
  • Usability and conversion optimization (UI/UX)
  • Internationalization of your website / concepts for additional language/country versions
  • Technical and content support for your existing websites
  • Integrated online marketing solutions
Our experience.Your advantage.

since2001Experts for digital marketing solutions

via200website projects with TYPO3

activeand certifiedTYPO3 experts


Agency services

  • Concept development
  • Responsive web design
  • Website relaunch or creation of a new web presence
  • Programming and web hosting
  • App and mobile applications
  • Interactive microsites
  • E-commerce
  • Corporate graphic design
  • Usability and conversion optimization
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Search Engine Marketing (SEA)
  • Content marketing
  • Consulting and training
  • Social Media Marketing

Industry competencies

  • Machine and plant construction
  • Industry
  • Healthcare
  • Service provider
  • Trade
  • Public sector
  • Non-profit

How to implement your Internet projects faster and stay within budget, guaranteed:

"Lean & Agile - No more waste!"

Tell us what goals you want to achieve - we tell you how to get there without detours. We are purely focused on your goals, we leave out everything superfluous - in the implementation and in organizational processes. This is what we mean by a lean way of working. No more waste - no unnecessary "garbage" that wastes your money.


Your internet agency for Dortmund

The team of our internet agency Dortmund is your partner for all kinds of online projects. We develop and design creative solutions for your successful web presence. As a full-service internet agency we offer you everything from one source: TYPO3 programming, responsive web design, marketing and search engine optimization (SEO). Our customers receive individual websites that are precisely tailored to the target group, as well as sustainable and profitable online advertising campaigns.

Today, the web design of an Internet presence must fulfill several functions in parallel:

  • Usability - the interface must be tailored to the optimal receptivity of the user group
  • Search engine optimization (SEO) - the content and the page architecture must be aligned with the ranking criteria of the search engines
  • Content marketing - all images, videos and texts must convince the target group of the services offered and the brand of the entrepreneur
  • Responsive web design - the website must be able to adapt to the specific characteristics of each device

We work to ensure that your website provides effective and substantive online communication, with web design that is not only aligned with the needs of the specific target audience, but is also functional, usable, content-rich and self-explanatory at the same time.

As an internet agency for Dortmund, we are convinced that - whether optimizing, relaunching existing websites or creating a new responsive web design - the content management system TYPO3 is the world's most practical and functional opera source system.

The IT team of the Internet agency for Dortmund has specialized in TYPO3 CMS. Our experts are TYPO3 certified, which means they have officially underlined their competences.

The Internet is subject to constant change: we keep an eye on the latest trends for you and provide competent support to ensure that your company is at the cutting edge of development on the web.

Internet agency Dortmund

The internet agency for Dortmund is your contact for all measures around your internet presence. The interdisciplinary team consists of experienced web designers, programmers and online marketing experts. At our web agency you will not get standardized solutions off the shelf. Together with our customers we develop a concept that underlines the image and values of your company. In addition to professional and technically flawless programming, we develop a web design for you that is modern as well as user-friendly and includes appropriate incentives for the target group.


Individual conception

In our agency, there are no off-the-shelf solutions. You have a need and we develop a concept based on your requirements - individually and specifically tailored to your needs and those of your customers. With the content management system, your web presence can be realized exactly, taking into account all relevant framework conditions.


The internet agency for Dortmund, specialized in TYPO3 CMS, offers your customers highly professional technical results that are tailored to your company and brands. We take into account the wishes of our customers in every step of the process and develop a concept that focuses on your user group.


TYPO3 is an open source content management system. Besides the technical diversity, the system is easy to use for the editor. No in-depth knowledge of the programming languages Typoscript, PHP, CSS or HTML is necessary to maintain the content. In addition, there are a number of other advantages for you as a company.

Interdisciplinary team

The competencies and skills of our employees are distributed in such a way that we have a specialist for each sub-step:

  • Media scientists - conception, text, communication and online marketing strategy
  • Computer scientists and developers - TYPO3, Magento and Wordpress implementation
  • Web designers - responsive design and animations
  • Graphic designers - visual design, film and image production
  • Business economists - controlling, SEO and SEA
  • Editors - creation of search engine optimized texts

Your Internet presence from the heart of Germany: Dortmund

The internet agency for Dortmund is looking forward to the realization of your exciting project. Starting with the conception, the TYPO3 implementation - whether online stores or corporate website - the responsive web design, the search engine optimization and online marketing to the long-term support of the website, we take over all tasks that belong to a successful Internet presence.

At your request, we also create the content for your website. Whether text, photo and video for a social media campaign or the homepage - we always keep your target group in focus and align the creation of all content to the specific needs of your customers as well as to the respective online channel.

In addition, we not only develop a TYPO3 that can be expanded through numerous extensions, but also unique interface solutions and connect your database to the system. The team for Dortmund implements individual solutions from the installation of the TYPO3 to the extension and editorial training. We are also happy to look after your website on a permanent basis and contribute our expertise to the further development of additional functions.

  • Typo3 development and programming
  • Web design and corporate design
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Search engine marketing (SEM) - Google AdWords
  • Social media marketing and app creation (mobile applications)
  • Online advertising and content marketing

Long-term and sustainable positioning on the online market can only be achieved with a consistent and self-contained marketing strategy and concept, which includes all areas, from TYPO3 development to web design and search engine optimization. Only when all parts are perfectly coordinated and all factors are interlocked, a value is created that stands above the actual costs of the mere production of the website.

For this reason, the Internet agency for Dortmund defines clear operational targets and key performance indicators - so-called KPIs - by which the success of each individual measure can be evaluated and tracked. We avoid thereby not only unnecessary and cost-intensive detours, but communicate to our customers measurably the use of each activity.

For the Internet Agency for Dortmund, cooperation with you, our customers, is our top priority. We have aroused your interest?

Simply call us directly or write us an email We will be happy to advise you on your project. The agency team is looking forward to the implementation of your exciting project!

Fullimage Services CTA

With us you get everything from a single source.

We would also be happy to visit you at your company,

in order to develop a strategy for your

develop a strategy for your company's success.


Web design, TYPO3 and search engine optimization agency for Dortmund

As already mentioned, from our point of view the content management system TYPO3 is one of the best systems for building professional websites. The design and realization of an Internet presence with TYPO3 is extremely flexible. In addition, TYPO3 simplifies the maintenance of the data considerably.

TYPO3 consists mainly of two areas. The frontend, the visible surface, which is available to every user on the internet and the backend, which can only be reached via a log-in. In the backend, adjustments can be made to the content and the structure of the content elements can be changed. User rights are also managed in this area of the website.

We as a professional and on TYPO3 CMS specialized internet agency for Dortmund offer our customers unique concepts and results for all requirements. With TYPO3 you get not only a modular, but a "free" system, which can be adapted to the individual requirements of the webmaster through numerous free extensions. "Free" in this context means that TYPO3 is not distributed by a commercial company. Developers all over the world are constantly improving the open source software, so that any security gaps are quickly closed and your system is automatically always at the latest technical level.

On this basis we implement the results with creativity and experience in a project. The distribution of marketing measures is derived from the competitive analysis and the needs analysis. The "door opener" for any profitable online campaign is search engine optimization. In other words, if you are not found, the added value of an innovative website is very low. Our services in this area include:

  • Onpage and offpage audit
  • Keyword and topic analysis
  • Onpage and offpage optimization
  • Controlling, monitoring and reporting

We from the internet agency for Dortmund optimize your appearance also for the area of social media, like Facebook, Google+, Youtube or Twitter. We always target the advertising measures in online marketing and your budget, so that we reach your target group through the right channel. Organic search engine optimization is supported by search engine advertising (SEA), for example in the form of AdWords ads.

TYPO3 - CMS ist

  • practical, as the system supports multilingualism and includes simple user rights management
  • easy to use and flexible, as it is simple to operate - content can be easily maintained and content elements created
  • fair and calculable, as it is available to companies free of charge and license-free
  • sustainable and reliable, as developers worldwide are constantly expanding, adapting and improving the system.

The Internet Agency Dortmund has specialized in TYPO3. Our programmers are certified for it and have extensive experience in the areas of development of extensions, connection to existing systems, website relaunch and hosting.

The online marketing specialists for Dortmund

On the road to successful marketing, the Internet specialists for Dortmund offer their customers a wide range of services. These services range from TYPO3 CMS development, web design and responsive design to social media marketing and the development of applications (apps).

Clear communication and satisfied customers are our best references. Step by step, we walk the path with our customers until the successful completion of the project. Changes and requests can be easily and quickly integrated into the creation process.

The appropriate framework for each company website is formed by individual layouts, a customer-friendly presentation and usability. Every customer of the agency for Dortmund receives a website and a web design that exactly meets his requirements. We develop solutions from your ideas and conceptions - for every area and for all industries.

Here again the competences of the agency at a glance:

  • TYPO3 programming - TYPO3 development, Magento Onlineshop, Wordpress
  • Web development and design - appealing design and user guidance (usability)
  • Search engine marketing (SEM) - as-is analysis, SEO, SEA and controlling
  • Conception - marketing consulting, brand management, advertising conception and media planning
  • Text and communication - strategy development, content production, blog editing
  • Graphic design - corporate design, print media, image retouching, photo montage
  • Social media campaign - campaign execution and community support
  • Video production - image video, industrial film, trade fair video, animations
  • Advertising photography - product photography, industrial photography and image photography
  • Online marketing - content marketing and consulting
  • Training - basic and advanced training for editors
FullImage below

What you can expect from us

  • A professional and sympathetic team of experts
  • Individual solutions and proven standards that your target group will love
  • Highest development quality through QM workflows already in the development process
  • Efficient and transparent workflows through agile project management
  • Websites that achieve your goals - promised!
  • Consultation at eye level, taking into account your goals and budget
  • Long-term & value-based cooperation


Bruns Verlags-GmbH & Co. KG

phone +49-800-9119191

Practical knowledge for the realization of your digital B2B projects:

Your own online shop

Learn which e-commerce trends are not to be neglected and which features a professional online shop should have.

Marketing Automation

Get insight into how marketing automation can help you use your sales resources more efficiently and generate new leads.

Content Marketing

Receive exclusive recommendations for the conception to the ideal implementation of a target-oriented content marketing strategy.

B2B Website Relaunch

Find out about the structured and modern realization of a B2B website relaunch.